13 Justifications for Employing a Virtual Assistant

13 Justifications for Employing a Virtual Assistant

13 Justifications for Employing a Virtual Assistant

Sep 24, 2022

Businesses have a flexible option other than hiring a full-time PA in the form of virtual assistants. Businesses generally hire virtual assistants on a monthly package basis, only paying for time that is actually used. They are therefore a more affordable option, which has contributed to the popularity of remote working.

Virtual assistants frequently help several clients at once. Businesses can save on average 50% more by using weekly reporting and just paying for productive time than by hiring a PA. Businesses are now more aware of the advantages of adopting virtual assistants thanks to technology, which has made remote collaboration more straightforward than ever.

Here are our top 13 reasons why now is the best moment to hire a virtual assistant.

1. Increase your output.

Getting a virtual assistant to handle your daily responsibilities will provide you more free time so you can work on the things that have a bigger impact on your bottom line. This may seem like a more apparent point, but it bears repeating.

Too many business owners allow themselves to become mired in activities that, while somewhat necessary, don't actually advance their companies.

Effective outsourcing can help you free up some time because there are only so many hours in the day.

2. The less expensive PA replacement

The advantages of using a PA are well known and ingrained in the industry's fundamentals. Full-time employees can, however, be costly. Along with wage payments, you will also be required to make contributions to NI, pensions, office supplies, and other expenses.

Paying a monthly package rather than an annual wage is one of the main advantages of using a virtual assistant.

You have a less long-term commitment as a result, which lowers your risk.

3. Monthly and weekly reporting

It's typical for a virtual assistant to provide you a weekly report on the duties they completed during the previous week when you're working with them.

This guarantees that you can prioritize workload and money in the future and gives you total visibility into how long each task has taken.

To monitor what your virtual assistant is working on and how much of your monthly package you have used, some virtual assistant firms even provide web portals you can access at any time.

4. Gives you as a business flexibility

Balancing profitability and personnel will always be a challenge for expanding firms.

Without the long-term commitment of employment, virtual assistants provide organizations a flexible alternative to meeting their administrative obligations. Additionally, they frequently work under contracts, which eliminates the added expense of hiring.

For instance, you are exempt from paying:

• Recruiting expenses


• Holidays/Sickness

• Pauses for coffee or downtime

5. Scale up or decrease your package

Growth in a business is rarely wholly linear. Your ability to scale your monthly package up or down with a virtual assistant will allow you to manage the peaks and troughs more skillfully.

In order to guarantee that your virtual assistant can efficiently handle their workload, we advise giving them plenty of advance notice before any scaling.

6. Pay just for time spent working

The average employee works 8.8 hours per day, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The majority of individuals aren't working for the majority of their time at work, according to a study involving about 2,000 employees.

You just pay for useful time when you hire a virtual assistant. Why does this matter?

You only pay for the 45 minutes of work if it takes a virtual assistant 45 minutes to write the minutes of your next meeting. Before you know it, your virtual assistant is completing more administrative tasks for far less money!

7. Obtain the top talent

Finding qualified PA employees can be difficult, and you never know who will work out well for your business and who won't.

The best talent may be found by using virtual assistants. There is a large talent pool of virtual assistants on the market as many of the top PAs transition to becoming VAs due to the perks it affords.

8. Access several skill sets

By including teams within their delivery methodology, virtual assistant firms have upgraded the virtual assistant paradigm.

As part of our service offering, we included this into our company model, and the advantages have completely surprised our clients.

When hiring a PA, you are constrained by the skill set they offer, so this is very helpful. For a comprehensive list of the services a virtual assistant offers, read our blog.

9. Understanding delegation

It's funny how many people don't know how to use a personal assistant well and frequently find themselves handling some of their administrative tasks themselves.

Virtual assistants can help you outright with delegation and even teach you how to supervise one. They know how to support you to maximize their support because they are supporting several firms at any same time.

10. Recognize their top choices

Virtual assistants frequently help many organizations and have a ton of experience. They now have a special perspective on the most effective business techniques.

It's important to handle administration and PA support accurately and effectively. By hiring the ideal virtual assistant, you and your company will be on top of your administrative game!

11. Your dependable assistant

A virtual assistant you hire serves as your trusted assistant, ensuring your performance at a fraction of the cost of a PA.

By doing this, you may increase your output and make sure that you get the most out of each workday. Virtual assistants have advantages for everyone, including business owners and executives in large organizations.

12. your personal life in balance

Your personal and professional lives will both benefit if you use your virtual assistant to its maximum potential.

Most people will also utilize their virtual assistant for personal help, which is advantageous for you.

13. helping your company flourish

Virtual assistants are made for business expansion. They offer the flexibility and agility needed to be used as and when necessary. They are therefore an excellent tool to help the expansion of your firm.

Create a long-term plan before hiring a virtual assistant to determine how you will use them and how they will best support your company's growth.

Get in Touch With Virtually Assist You

Do you need reliable and efficient virtual assistant services for your business in Yakima? We're here to help! Fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Let us know which services you're interested in and how we can assist you.

Fun Facts!

Companies save up to 78% of costs by hiring virtual assistants. Freelancers in the US are expected to reach over 86.5 million by 2027. More than 80% of companies want to use a more flexible workforce in the future. Permanent remote workers are expected to rise to 34.4% in 2021.
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